Thursday, October 25, 2007

It's Been A While

Sorry for the lapse in time, life has just been crazy here. But it is all about to get a lot better. I just finished my last midterm, 5 in two days is no fun. Ironically the easiest ones were in Italian. I've been studying like mad for all of them and I think it paid off. All of them went well and I was more than prepaired. It feels so good to be done with all of them. And now FALL BREAK BEGINS!! I have no work over the break, and will be playing in England and Spain for 10 days!!!!

I leave tomarrow morning on my adventure. 5 am heading to the bus shuttle thing and make my way to the airport. Then a flight and some trains, taking me to Brighton/Sussex, England and Melissa. I'm gonna spend time with her for 4 days arround Sussex and London. Then I'm heading to Oxoford for 2 days to hangout with Hilary and Maxwell. And see how they celebrate Halloween in England. My favorite part is comming up next, flying into Spain and figuring out how to get from the Madrid airport to Iri's apartment. Personally I think it will be fine, but it may also turn into a hillarious scene from a girly comedy, where I get lost in Madrid. But hopefully I'll meet Fernando Torres and live a happy spanish life. In reality I'll get to Iri fine, and spend 4 days with her and Kayla. This is going to be the best brake ever!!

I'll be taking lots of photos and make a huge blog entry after it is all over. I hope all is well with you all back in the states, and that all my california kids are safe from the fire. Yeah it made the news over here. You can immagine my reaction, having to hear about it on the Italian news. Rough but still accuarate translation, "California is in flames!" The news is sensational everywhere. Ridic.

Alla prossima.

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